The main window

The main window reflects the controls on the pad. Turn a knob and the corresponding knob in the main window will follow (as will the JD-Xi synth parameter setting).
The upper right corner of the main window shows the Midi status:
- Red - No midi communication established
- Green - Midi setup is OK
- Light green - Currently communicating with the Midi device.
Launch Control XL LEDs
When Scraunch is first started, there is no way of knowing the setting of a specific knob, slider or button (not supported by the Launch Control XL). Further more, the actual synth parameter value stored in the JD-Xi is also unknown (not implemented in Scraunch). To reflect this state, the corresponding LEDs on the pad, will be yellow. Once a control has been changed by the user, the LED will turn green. This means that the control, the main window and the parameter setting in JD-Xi is in synch. Thus:
- LED turned off - No JD-Xi parameter associated with the control.
- Yellow LED - Control, Scraunch and JD-Xi not in synch.
- Green LED - Control and Scraunch shows the actual setting of the synth parameter.
Scraunch also remembers and correctly handles the LED colors for all 8 user templates available in the Launch Control XL.
Obviously, this only applies to the controls being equiped with an LED. Sliders can't give this kind of feedback since they have no LED.